Manav Value System

Manav Value System

“We believe that the primary purpose of agriculture must be to create a  alance between environment and production activities, to protect the environment in which we live and to preserve its wealth intact.”

Risk Reduction

To ensure that fertilisers and chemicals used for crop support and crop protection are delivered without creating a risk to human health or the environment.

Profit Focus

To deliver sustainable farming strategies that are financially practical on a crop by crop, farm by farm basis.

Crop Resilience

To provide crop stress strategies that enable your field grains fruit, vegetable, and horticulture crops to be more resilient in the face of extreme events during the growth cycle.

Soil Support

To ensure that crop fertilizers and treatments support healthy soil microbial activity and contribute to long-term soil fertility.

Crop Science

To adopt tailored programs that are based on scientific soil analysis and an evidence-based approach to supporting specific crops at critical times when the yield is determined.

Farm Viability

We have products that provide a framework to achieve cropping system goals. This includes increased production, increased farmer profitability, enhanced environmental protection and improved sustainability.